Sunday, April 29, 2012

facebook speech

The Los Angeles times recently discussed a U.S. marine who has been discharged for criticizing President Barack Obama.

Marine Sgt. Gary Stein speaks with reporters in front of the federal court building in San Diego on April 13. (Gregory Bull, Associated Press / April 26, 2012)
"Screw Obama and I will not follow orders from him. [He] is an economic and religious enemy." said Marine Sargent Gary Stein. Stein claims his speech was political, while the army declares it violated military law, and therefore verifying his dismissal.

This recent event shows how public Facebook, as well as other social media outlets, are becoming. These outlets are available to our bosses, coworkers, friends & family - anyone can get access to these accounts. With this in mind, one can almost state that nothing is private anymore.

People must recognize that what they say, through the written word, can have repercussions. I believe that thinking with a Judeo-Christian mindset - treat others the way you wish to be treated - can bring the least repercussions. Cyber words can never be erased; it's important to think about what you are writing online, and how that can be interpreted by all.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Is harmony the goal of those who seek news and report it? Or is harmony the exact opposite goal of journalists?

According to, harmony is: agreement; accord; harmonious relations. Journalists uncover the truth, and expose it to the world. This truth may unravel chaos and/or controversial events; seems as though these journalistic characteristics clash with the definition of harmony.

These opposing characteristics remind me of yin & yang, where polar opposite forces may interconnect, benefitting from each other.

Journalists seek the truth to reach harmony...but harmony can never be reached - it's an ideal. Grouping harmony with journalism is a type of yin & yang. By uncovering truth & conflict, journalists allow an audience to reach harmony. Harmony involves resolving conflict to reach a peace.

Journalism: Conflict
Harmony: Peace

Both feed on each other in order to function.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Communication via Palaver tree

The Palaver Tree is an indigenous democratic institution found in sub-Saharan Africa.

Descriptions of the assembly include the following:
  • Ritualistic
  • Democratic
  • Indigenous
  • Free debate
  • Consensus building
  • "Right to Speak
  • A goal of harmony, rather than "truth"
  • Community
  • No urgency
  • All-inclusiveness
  • Systematic treatment

Such institution that promotes freedom for all its members to communicate and debate important issues seems ideal. Voices are not oppressed, community is strengthened through a ritual in which creates a common bond, and, most interestingly, harmony is valued.

In the United States, we strive to promote a certain "truth" to every dilemma - but is this truth always the best answer? I think that by striving to reach harmony, groups in which hold a debate may strengthen their relationships with one another. Sometimes there is a right & wrong answer; other times, compromise and peace should be the answer. By pushing ourselves to reach harmony, we fully invest in the final outcome.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

defending your dinner

In this article by the New York Times, writer Ariel Kaminer touches on the topic of meat ethics - that is, whether or not eating meat ethical.

Image by Russell Bell
I've never been a crazed meat lover, but vegetarian lifestyle has also never appealed to me since that would mean giving up the beloved Dutch's burger or Buffalo Bros chicken fingers. I guess it's fair to say I've never questioned the ethics of meat eating before reading this article.

Although I have the utmost respect for all those who are vegetarian or vegan, I do believe that the omnivorous lifestyle is the most balanced for humans. I would hope production of these meats would meet ethical standards - that the animals have lived in comfortable conditions & have been fed healthy produce during their growth (unfortunately this is generally not the case).

I believe humans survive best with meats in their diets, but do acknowledge that there are valid substitutes for us omnivores. Perhaps consumption of meat is part of the natural order...that's some food for thought.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

a worm in the apple

Apple has been under much scrutiny, specifically within this past year, with the discovery of its use of sweatshops in China. The workers found in these shops are paid minimal wages & are placed in hazardous working conditions; these harsh working environments would never be condoned within the U.S.

The article In China, Human Costs are built into an iPad describes the inhumane treatment these Chinese workers face in order to produce various Apple products, as well as other brand items. The utilization of sweatshops unfortunately shows how the company values production and income over human rights.

I must admit, I am a big fan of all Apple products - their simple and clean design of products is so attractive - but I feel greatly unsettled that a human life could have possibly been at risk during the production of my iPhone or Macbook.

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, is currently visiting China to address the issues listed above -  but a company based on ethical principals should have never had this problem from the beginning.

According to Tim Cook, these are Apple's core values (found here):
  • We believe that we're on the face of the Earth to make great products.
  • We believe in the simple, not the complex.
  • We believe that we need to own & control the primary technologies behind the products we make.
  • We participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution.
  • We believe in saying no to thousands of projects so that we can really focus on the few that are truly important and meaningful to us.
  • We believe in deep collaboration & cross-pollination of our groups, which allow us to innovate in a way that others cannot.
  • We don't settle for anything less than excellence in every group in the company, & we have self-honesty to admit to when we're wrong & the courage to change.
The values are in line with the recent occurrences in China; it seems as though Apple has minimal focus on the human-interest perspective within its mission statement.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

bullies are rated R

Many children are bullied throughout the course of their education, so what better way to inform the world of this horrible tragedy than by creating a documentary?

Bully aims to raise awareness of the both physical & mental violence millions of children face daily. This documentary targets teenage youth, yet the rating was declared "R" due to the violence it displays.

Katie Butler, a high school student from Michigan, has challenged the Motion Picture Association of America to change the rating of the film so that its target audience can have easier access to the documentary. She has started a campaign on in which holds a petition to change the rating of the movie. Read about her movement on the Washington Post.

Is it fair to censure a potentially enlightening and informative documentary when other films that deem violence as acceptable are found at the PG-13 rating? How many people are aware of the bullying that occurs amongst children when parents & teachers are not looking?

Here is the trailer for "Bully"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

who's kony?

A 30-minute video created by an organization called Invisible Children has gone viral within the past few days, establishing infamous recognition of Joseph Kony nationwide.

Invisible Children leader Jason Russell describes the LRA leader Joseph Kony as a despicable and evil man who must be stopped THIS year. He tells viewers that by increasing awareness of Kony, there is a chance to capture the "villain."

Image of Joseph Kony from the YouTube video

After watching the complete video, I felt inspired and ready to make a change in the world - but I still felt a bit confused about the facts and history behind the message. After searching the web & reading various articles, many conflicting emotions arose.

Does this video oversimplify a complicated situation?
How trustworthy is Invisible Children?
What is this organization doing to help the problem?
Why hasn't the problem been addressed until now?

Today a fellow classmate tweeted this video, released by the Center for Strategic & International Studies, & I feel it best describes the "Kony situation." The video essentially states that global awareness of Kony is stupendous, because the man is indeed a criminal; however, Kony is not the sole criminal behind the mass destruction that has been occurring in regions of Africa. The capture of Kony should be also be a global issue - countries should work together to find a solution (instead of placing the US as the only country able to aid).

Kony 2012 taught me one thing, for certain - social media is a powerful tool that could be potentially destructive or enlightening to any public. The beautifully edited and very convincing video grabs viewers' attention immediately, which both intrigues and scares me a bit.

Other sites worth viewing:
Invisible Children gives the facts
Why you should feel awkward about the 'Kony 2012' video
Visible Children

Monday, March 5, 2012

40 days sans facebook

After much discussion about the role technology plays into our daily lives in Media Ethics class, I decided to relieve a bit of my so? Well, I am not using Facebook for the complete 40 days of Lent.

I have only been without Facebook for a week, and have already noticed many interesting things happening in my mind. To start off, I have a lot more free time - what does one do when they cannot "spy" on their friends and acquaintances?

Secondly, my iPhone is used significantly less now than it was prior Lent. My lack of Facebook use has turned into a general lack of social media usage. I haven't felt like checking Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc as much as I did before.

Thirdly, I have found myself wanting to share tidbits of my daily life on Facebook...then I realize I cannot do so, & feel discontent about it. I have so many other outlets I can use to share my life - Blogger, email, a cell phone - and yet, I have discovered that I've been limiting myself to Facebook. What is so appealing to share something publicly? Is it to show others how "great" my life is? Is it to feel connected to people I sometimes rarely talk to?

The general answer to these questions is yes - yes I want people to know the good in my life, and yes, it is gratifying to feel connected to others. But after this conclusion, I find it sad that I resort to an online site to assist me in these actions. I have felt a sort of relief that I do not have to "keep appearances" on my Facebook, and it has been a sort of cleansing. I live more in the present, and not so much in a cyber world.

Week one sans Facebook has been entrusting and surprisingly enjoyable. I highly recommend it if you are feeling bogged down with technology!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

tumblr takes a stance

On February 23, 2012, the popular social site Tumblr announced in their A New Policy Against Self-Harm Blogs post that they would but an end to self-harm blogs - blogs that glorified cutting, eating disorders, and self-mutilation.

In general, I favor the stance Tumblr has taken. The site values free speech by allowing anyone to create a profile and write about whatever that person would like; however, some view this new ban on certain blogs as censorship. Why is it okay to hinder these voices?

I stumbled upon an article from Tech Crunch - Tumblr On Its Self-Harm Blog Ban: Support is OK, Glorification is Not - which really draws some interesting points and things to consider when discussing the recent Tumblr ban. The author, Sarah Perez, asks the following:
But if it's going to take a stance against self-harm, then what about taking a stance against harm in general? Rape? Violence against women? Hate crimes? Drugs? Alcohol? Pornography?
I applaud Tumblr for addressing an issue for a while, and hope they stand strong with their stance. They will be working in conjunction with various health organizations to plant PSAs when certain words are searched, as stated in their most recent follow-up post. There are many controversial blog topics, and it would be nearly impossible to address all - but the current issues addressed may hopefully save some lives.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

the clash of values & an open market of communication

In November of 2010, a blog from TechCrunch brought to light a controversial e-book Amazon held in stock: The Pedophile's guide to Love and Pleasure.

Found on Google images

Many bloggers, news reporters and consumers then purchased the e-book to read the content...and learned that the reading was as vile as predicted. After many complaints from almost all audiences, Amazon released a statement.

Amazon believes it is censorship not to sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable. Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions.
 Later within the day, Amazon suddenly removed the e-book from their site, without any explanation.

Although Amazon claims to see a free market of ideas and communication as a primary goal, does it not analyze its values as well? The general consensus globally deems pedophilia as immoral. By associating with the illegal act, Amazon tarnished its image. The company did not consider the majority's opinion, including stakeholders such as children, parents and families. Amazon seems to be out of touch with its audience and needs to put more effort into its public relations field, as the company is operating with "technological pulses."

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

transparency at its finest

On Wednesday, February 15, at 8:05 a.m., Chancellor Victor Boschini sent a campus-wide email to TCU, informing students of the recent arrests of many students (Important Campus Community News from Chancellor Boschini). In case the email was unclear, posted FAQ regarding Feb. 15 police activity to inform others about the situation.

Directly after the email was sent, people from different media companies slowly filtered onto TCU's campus, in hopes of uncovering more news. Boschini held a press conference, in which TCU twitter informed those who could not attend what was being said.

With the help of @TCU360, students, faculty, parents & any other public were well-informed about the TCU crisis. It's clear that Boschini cares for the student population; he made it VERY clear that the behavior of the arrested will NOT be tolerated. He upheld university standards and made sure not to attack specific campus communities, although football players and certain fraternities were involved. He was prepared to handle the situation instead of trying to cover it up, and it's clear that many students appreciated his transparency and honesty.

A little before noon, TCU360 released the 17 names of those arrested (TCU students arrested in record drug roundup). Although I appreciated the constant information about the drug bust, I am not so sure that student names should have been released. Not only are they affected, but also their family, friends, teammates, etc. Do you think we should have access to the list of students arrested?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

planned parenthood, a job well-done

Must controversy arose January 31, when Susan G Komen for the Cure decided to suddenly pull funding from Planned Parenthood. Komen declared that because PP was under legal investigation, they would not be able to support the organization, although many believe Komen had issues supporting an organization in which has a recognized stance of "pro-choice."

I looked at the reaction PP had towards the whole situation, and was very pleased to see the actions made. The organization, although upset with Komen, did not show any malice; instead, they stated their mission to the public: to help women. They kept their public informed about the situation, and also continued to promote the welfare of women. They took advantage of the situation by informing the public about PP, as well as seeking more donations and funding.

Komen damaged their reputation with inconsistency of communication - their messages were delayed and did not seem to follow their mission. Planned Parenthood, on the other hand, proved to remain true to their own organization by sticking to their mission. With clear communication and 2-way discussions with their audience, PP was not a victim by any measure. Great use of PR!
Planned Parenthood promoted the use of this image while Komen controversy arose. 
First Twitter alert to the public.
Facebook notification to the public.
The press release posted on the PP website. Both Facebook & Twitter provided a link to the site.
Facebook post on 2/3/12, informing public about the Komen decision reversal.

The final press release posted on the PP website relating to the Komen situation. Once again, both PP Twitter & Facebook provided links to the article.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

the veil of ignorance

The veil of ignorance aims to help those who are helpless.

I could not help but think of this ethical principal while reading the article "Big News on Birth Control," in which President Obama declared that, beginning August, women would be able to get contraceptives covered through almost all insurances.

The Affordable Care Act, in my opinion, is brilliant. There are women living in all types of conditions - poverty, abusive relationships, etc. Having access to birth control empowers females even more. People must remember that the act doesn't require women to get on birth control; rather, they have the option.

Contraceptives have been under fire recently, especially specific organizations such as Planned Parenthood and Susan G. Komen, both linked to the topic.

I stumbled upon this article today, which discusses how Komen recently shut off its funding to Planned Parenthood, as well as the Catholic church's reaction to the Affordable Care Act. I generally relate to the author, as I am a Catholic that does support the use of contraceptives.

Females should have access to protection and contraception. The government is now enabling them to take more responsibility by having that access.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

where's the privacy?

"Imagine you're in a giant room, a room so spacious it can comfortably hold more than a billion people. Despite its size, the room is ingeniously designed so everyone is in close proximity to everyone else. Thus any person in the room can easily walk over to any other person and tap him or her on the shoulder." 
-William Powers in Hamlet's Blackberry
 People are connected in unimaginable ways; social media sites only promote the efficiency of connectedness...but when do we draw a line between being connected and feeling like our privacy is being invaded?

I follow a site called Gymnastike, which gives information about the current happenings in the gymnastics world. Recently, the site posted an article about how coaches in college atmosphere are requiring their athletes to give them full access to their online information. The coaches work with an outside company, Varsity Monitor, and together make sure that the athletes are being "acceptable" through their social media sites. This is done in order to protect each university's image.

Should universities have access to its students' private information? Can it be required in such a manner?

Powers discusses how any person in the world is a "shoulder-tap away" from conversing, metaphorically referring to ease of access to a person through technology. The end of the prologue shows the main character escaping the room, after much struggle.

It seems as if NCAA athletes cannot escape the room, anymore.

HERE is a great article about the relationship between NCAA athletes and Facebook.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

the joy of quiet

During my 10 minute walk to class today, I noticed that I kept busy by looking through my iPhone. I was texting, on Facebook/Twitter, checking the weather...nonstop activity! I didn't give my brain a moment of free time to think, relax or just be.

The Joy of Quiet by Pico Iyer expands upon the importance of silence in one's life. Between all the social media and constant news I receive straight to my mobile device, I am always connected to the daily happenings not only in the United States but also within other countries. Iyer concludes that time away from technology has made an impact on his life, as he aspired to cut out these distractions by moving to rural Japan.

The "quiet" or silence that Iyer enjoys away from technology brings me to analyze the reaction many Internet sites have taken to SOPA. Sites such as Google, Wikipedia and Reddit have taken a "silent" approach to protesting the current anti-piracy bills today (Wednesday, January 18, 2012) on their pages. I have attached images of each site, as they appear today. Through Google's logo of the day, Wikipedia's backout and Reddit's message to the general public, these sites have taken a peaceful and, what I believe, quiet approach to the controversial bill.

The connection I made between both the article and the SOPA protest is that "quiet" is such an effective way to make a statement. Both in one's life or through rebellion, silence speaks measures.